Selami Cokaj’s latest 2020 project is Casbas Pizza ! Established from scratch for his son’s, it is a place he built for people to seek sanctuary and enjoy the relaxing ambience and aromatic coffees. An addition to his list of successful ventures, Selami proudly built Casbas using his own two hands and his son’s worked in its construction and setting it up right from design to implementation. As the Albanian business man he is , Mr Selami started Casba’s as a business idea to allow businesses in the area to compliment each other and create a new level of clients , this is not your ordinary takeaway pizza shop but rather an authentic restaurant with beauty put into each detail. All procurement, labour and processes were carried out by Cokaj’s capable leadership. You enjoy the very friendly atmosphere with people who only want you to be comfortable! That’s the kind of family /businessman, Selami Cokaj is .